WX Radar - my results so far

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Joined: Wed Apr 05, 2017 9:13 pm
WX Radar - my results so far

Post by FlyBye » Sat May 27, 2017 7:05 am

I am grateful that Milviz included their WX Radar but the implementation seems have some bugs

My results from testing below:-

GPS: None <> Weather Radar: Blank

- No Pop-up windows but (SHIFT+1) produces odd screen shift

GPS: None <> WX Radar: Checked

- Weather Radar working in virtual cockpit
- No Pop-up windows
- When re-opening MVAMS - WX Checkbox shows unchecked
but still works in the virtual cockpit

GPS: Milvix 530/540 <> WX Radar: Blank

- Shows correct virtual panel
- Has SHIFT+2 pop-up for WX Radar showing bitmap only - gauge not active

GPS: Milvix 530/540 <> WX Radar: Checked

- Shows correct virtual cockpit panel but WX gauge not working
- No Pop-up windows
- When re-opening MVAMS - WX Radar shows checked

GPS: Flight1 750 <> There is no WX Radar Checkbox for this option

- SHIFT+1 Does nothing
- SHIFT+2 WX gauge window - bitmap only gauge not active (Fixed by uncommenting gauges and correcting path)
- SHIFT+3 GTN750 window - working OK
- SHIFT+4 GTN650 window - can't tell as I don't own the GTN650, but why is it here anyway

I understand the reason behind using a common template but I think in this case it needs some more work.

After updating to v1.170526 I am getting the same 'Update Available' error as listed previously on the forum
"Here, have a GUID.OMG GUID!"


Prepar3D v3.4.22.19868 on dedicated 500GB SSD
i7700K @4.5 - 16GB DDR4 - Asus 1080 Gaming


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