Assigning Buttons / Switches

Posts: 27
Joined: Mon Mar 06, 2017 4:54 pm
Assigning Buttons / Switches

Post by Jotayhen » Fri May 26, 2017 5:00 pm

I'm becoming familiar with the new Beaver and I must say I am thrilled! I use a Saitek yoke and throttle quadrant and assign controls, buttons, switches and axis through FSUIPC. I have not been successful in getting either the alternator or the radio switches to toggle using either FSUIPC or FSX. I've tried "toggle Master Alternator" and "toggle Alternator 1", also "toggle Master Avionics" and "toggle Radio" but I can't seem to find the correct setting for either. If someone could give me the correct setting in FSUIPC I would be grateful! Thanks.

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Re: Assigning Buttons / Switches

Post by Taguilo » Fri May 26, 2017 5:39 pm


Currently there is no event capture for Master Alternator.

This is a list of events that can be triggered using keyboard keys, or third party software that maps those events to hardware switches:

All Lights toggle
Strobes toggle
Landing Lights toggle
Panel Light toggle

Autopilot toggle

Starter toggle
Magnetos increase/decrease
Fuel Boost pump
Primer toggle
Anti Ice toggle
Engine Autostart (CTRL-E by default)

Perhaps you can post a list of other events that your hardware manage, and they might be included (no promises at all though) in the first SP available.

Tom Aguilo
Beaver Systems Programmer

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Joined: Mon Mar 06, 2017 4:54 pm
Re: Assigning Buttons / Switches

Post by Jotayhen » Sat May 27, 2017 12:18 am

Hi, Tom. First, please let me tell you how much I appreciate your efforts here in bringing us this tremendous aircraft rendition. I really can't tell you how impressed I am with this new Beaver. I was hoping that Milviz would bring its talents to bear on a quality, vintage GA aircraft that operated in the bush and that had a great history. You and your associated surely did not disappoint! Thanks again!

I will look closely at offering my suggestions as to what switches, levers, etc., could possibly be coded to enable event captures. Some of the Beaver's switches and/or levers are unique to this aircraft and not listed in either the FSX or the FSUIPC lists. I certainly understand nothing is promised here. I will simply offer my thoughts and suggestions.

Thanks again, Sir!


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Re: Assigning Buttons / Switches

Post by kaosfere » Sat May 27, 2017 4:17 am

I've done some logging of the lvars, and I've found ones that would control what you want. If you're familiar with setting macros in FSUIPC you can control these.

The master alternator can be set or toggled with L:Master Alternator. The avionics switch can be set or toggled with L:ESP_Radios_Switch.

Additionally, here are two for handling some of the other unique items. The lever that controls flap direction is L:FlapDirectionLever. This one only appears to be a toggle. The wobble pump can be controlled with L:DHC2_WobblePumpHandle. This doesn't have a toggle, but the only thing you need to set it to is 1; it resets on its own after that.

By setting those as macros in FSUIPC and then assigning them to keypresses I was able to control each of those items.

Also, I've discovered that the flap pump-handle can be controlled by the standard flaps commands.

Posts: 27
Joined: Mon Mar 06, 2017 4:54 pm
Re: Assigning Buttons / Switches

Post by Jotayhen » Sun May 28, 2017 11:10 am

Thanks, Kaosfere! That is helpful information indeed! I am familiar with programming FSUIPC via macros however I was primarily interested in determining if the cockpit controls could be assigned through the simpler means available since there are those who are not familiar with the more complicated method. I appreciate your taking the time to share your valuable information. Thanks!


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