Engine sounds gone?

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Joined: Sun Mar 19, 2017 6:48 pm
Engine sounds gone?

Post by poosd » Sun Jun 17, 2018 11:11 pm


Love your stuff, but having a bit of a problem with my DHC-2. On Windows 10, P3DV4.2 . Load the Beaver. Notice that the switch clicks sounds are a little soft, but there. Start the engine up...battery on sound is there, radios beep, manual fuel pump-pressurization sound is there as I prime the engine...I did notice no sound for the electric fuel pump when I flip that switch. Magneto clunk, fuel selector clicks as turned. The engine turns over and the engine starting sounds are there, but as soon as the engine catches all the engine sounds quit. The engine is running as I can see the prop spinning and the RPM's move as I move the throttle...but no running RPM engine sounds at all. When I cut the mixture and the engine is shutting down, the sounds for the engine spooling down come back on.

Only the after start, normal running RPM sounds are not playing.

I have checked for the redistributables and noticed that I don't have the ones for 2015, but when I download and try to add them, Microsoft tells me that I have a new version already installed and does not let me add the 2015 issues. I don't know enough about xml or .dll files to know what is missing there. I have done a complete uninstall / reinstall of my DHC-2 twice, always letting it go to the default load location. I have two drives a C: and a D: my P3DV4.2 is loaded on my D: drive.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,


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