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FG-ID 4-8 fps..

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 9:22 pm
by greencan
As an admin on I was annoyed by the fact not knowing anything about p3d.
No answer to any question. This had to change!
Downloaded p3d v.4. Surprise! -well, not really- Looks better and performs better compared to FSX.
Overall framerate 60+ with standard aircraft.
I installed my Milviz F4e (purchased for FSX). Beauty! No tacpack for p3d yet, matter of time.
The F4e smoothly performs at 40+ fps. So I had no worries about downloading the FG-ID. High expectations..
But no. 4-8 fps, not flyable.
With all settings on minimum, same fps.
Downloaded/installed all the files mentioned in the manual. No difference.
Virusscanner disabled, new download, running everything as administrator, no difference.
Looked at many Youtube movies. It seems I'm the only one with this problem.
I'm overlooking something, for sure.
My specs:
Win7 64 bit
12 Gb ram
Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 ti.
6 cores
Speed 4 Ghz.

Re: FG-ID 4-8 fps..

Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2018 9:33 pm
by doodlebug
disable mipmaps?

Re: FG-ID 4-8 fps..

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 10:11 am
by greencan
Made no difference..
My FSX is on the same pc. Could that be an issue?

Re: FG-ID 4-8 fps..

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:25 am
by JonathanBleeker
Shouldn't be an issue.

Re: FG-ID 4-8 fps..

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:29 am
by JonathanBleeker
Can you open the Task manager, go to performance->Resource monitor and determine what is being overloaded?


Re: FG-ID 4-8 fps..

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 2:16 pm
by greencan
I made 2 screenshots and sent them to Oisin at
The shots were taken the moment p3d was running of course, but p3d pauzed bij opening the monitor.
So I'm not sure if I did the right thing..

Re: FG-ID 4-8 fps..

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 2:20 pm
by JonathanBleeker
You would have to disable pause on task switch in your P3D options to get around that

Re: FG-ID 4-8 fps..

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 3:15 pm
by doodlebug
Here are the screenshots

Re: FG-ID 4-8 fps..

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 3:42 pm
by JonathanBleeker
Something is overloading your GPU then. Any special addons that affect the GPU?

Re: FG-ID 4-8 fps..

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 4:43 pm
by greencan
I'm going to find out about the overload. But no addons.
I minimized most of the p3d settings to do an experiment with the F4e. 100+ fps!
No overloading here, obvious.
Unchecked pause on taskswitch (sofar I did'nt switch tasks with p3d). No noticeable difference in the monitor, so I don't need to make new screenshots I guess.
And the fps of the FG-ID are still 4-12.
Slowly I'm starting to like this problem. It gets more interesting by the hour (Eh, I hope you think the same :mrgreen: )
My intuition tells me there is a conflicting item somewhere. A Microsoft Visual C++ item used by FSX?
I use this pc for flightsimulator only. No other not fs related programs.
Virusscanner disabled, no difference. I need the internet for FSX@War, that's the reason for the scanner. F-Secure safe, provided by XS4ALL.

Re: FG-ID 4-8 fps..

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 4:46 pm
by Krazycolin
Are you using any nav aids with it?

Re: FG-ID 4-8 fps..

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 5:47 pm
by JonathanBleeker
What has me puzzled is that I can't think of any special tech used by the FG-1D that isn't used by the F-4E. Furthermore, next to no one has reported this issue before so it is definitely something isolated to your setup. What do your graphics settings look like?

Re: FG-ID 4-8 fps..

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2018 6:14 pm
by greencan
@Krazycolin: No. Just a clean p3d with only one addon: The F4e.
@ JonathanBleeker:I can use any graphic setting. I varied them all. Max to minimum. No difference.
Since no one has reported this issue I think it must have something to do with FSX installed on the same pc.
I'm going to experiment with the Microsoft Visual C++ items. Delete some of them, leaving the ones that were mentioned in the tutorial.
I'll be back!
Edit: Back sooner because of a restless mind.
Deleted: C++ 2005 and 2013.
Result: No difference. But FSX didn't work anymore, so I had to reinstall them.
Of course I posted this problem on the Dutchfs forum. We have some amazing wizzards there.
Keep you posted.

Re: FG-ID 4-8 fps..

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 11:30 am
by JonathanBleeker
If you open the FG-1D's panel cfg in notepad and comment out gauge entries one by one by putting a // in front of the gaugeXX=, does the problem go away with any of them?

Re: FG-ID 4-8 fps..

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 1:25 pm
by greencan
No. Just the pilot had gone...
I added // on 4 places. No more gaugexx's in the cfg.